Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Can We Run the Game? And Move Forward With It? (YES)

So, during our last class, we were able to play the game and figure out whether we can move forward, or come up with different ideas for the game. After playing the game for few turns, we were having a lot of fun, but at the same time facing several problems that needed immediate attention. One of these problems is the action cards and how they work. We first had people betting diamonds along with one action card, then each player gets to use his/her action card; however, we noticed that it doesn't make sense for each player to use his action card, because that will mess up the strategy of the game, and each card will over rider on the other ones. So we decided to come up with a new way to play those action cards.

Each player places an action card while betting on the customer then the winner of this bet gets to pick one of the action cards, placed on the floor, randomly. We also had to remove some rules and come up with new ones. We needed to removed some elements and replacing some with others. Some of these discussions were based on group agreement, and professor parks' opinions and ideas, with his long time experience, he was able to provide us with great ideas to support our game. He was also patient about what we did. He liked it and was supportive all the way. With his long time experience in card games, we were able to figure out what we need to work on during our next meeting.

During our group meeting, we were more concerned about the issues discussed during class, among ourselves, and also between ourselves and the professor, and figuring out solutions for those issues. One of these issues, which is the actual theme of the play, was touched on by professor Parks. With his help we were able to discover the issues that need to be addressed during our group meeting.Adding to these problems, one of the members was unable to make it to the meeting for the second time, due to an Exam, which was at the time of the meeting. However, that didn't stop us from figuring out solutions for our problems and even moving forward with creating new cards and coming up with new ideas. Before we got together, Rana had already prepared a Microsoft word with all the information needed to get things quickly.

The amount of cards needed for the game is 114 cards, which includes four reference cards, to help players keep up with the rules and the way to play the game. Out of the 114 cards, we will have 75 action cards, 39 customer cards and 4 reference cards to guide the players. During our meeting we were able to come up with the cards' names, how much diamonds are being given by the customers, and how many turns they will be present on the table. We were also able to come with the amount of experience points each card gives to the server. Hopefully, during our next class, we catch more mistakes and come up with better ideas to support our games. But till then, we will try to meet up one more time on Thursday to go over what we did on Tuesday, and figure out what we need to pay attention to during our next test play.

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